Theotonio dos Santos in the Chile of the popular unity
Paula Vidal Molina
Doctora en Servicio Social, Universidad Federal de Rio de Janeiro-Brasil. Académica en la Escuela de Sociología Universidad de Chile y en la Escuela de Trabajo Social de la Universidad Central de Chile
We present an interview with Theotonio dos Santos, who say the motives and his experience in Chile during the Popular Unity. From this, describes some issues for discussion in the Chilean left of the time, his vision of the Popular Unity, Marxism and the peculiarities of his theory. So too, refers to contemporary social movement and the need for the existence of critical thinking.
Vidal Molina, P. (2013). Theotonio dos Santos in the Chile of the popular unity. Cuadernos De Historia, (39), Pág. 185–200. Retrieved from