In this document we’re going to analyze the relationships with the Spaniards from the indigenous perspective, showing a complementary proposal to the “border life” from the interlineage relations. We appreciated information about the relationships between different lineages in the Parliament of Quilín in 1641, especially of the “alliances” between the groupings that lived from Biobío River to Cruces river. These aspects can be identified since the attendance that some lineages granted to the Spaniards who denominated them “Indian friends”. We detected the presence of common interests that they were not permanent, old quarrels, ancestral hatreds and pending revenges that hoped to take shape demographically aided for more powerful groups like it was his tradition and custom in reguas mapuches.
This behavior of the different mapuche segments allows to recognize these alliances were unstable, what explains why the peace with the Spaniards was not permanent.
Alliance, territoriality, reguas, ayllareguas, border life
Ortiz Aguilera, C. (2015). The parliament of Quilín of 1641: an approach to the interlineage relations from the border life. Cuadernos De Historia, (42), Pág. 7–31. Retrieved from