The stories about independence time, the invention of heroes, and a historical memory in the first half of the nineteenth century colombian
Raúl Román Romero
Doctor en Historia de América Latina, Magíster y Especialista
en Estudios del Caribe por la Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Historiador de la Universidad
de Cartagena
Vanessa Niño De Villeros
Magíster en Historia por la Universidad Pedagógica y
Tecnológica de Colombia, Especialista en ética y filosofía política de la Universidad de Cartagena
This article examines the role played by some intellectuals and neogranadian politicians in the early years of the Republic in the creation of stories and heroes of independence. These illustrated politicians were given the task of drawing up some stories and interpretations about the immediate past of emancipation and the colonial period, in order to understand how much reprocessing of the past could be useful to consolidate a new project of State nation and the Republic. This initial process of some stories and heroes of independence would be crucial in the construction of a national memory which is represented with regard to the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the independence of Colombia.
Intellectuals, national memory, heroes, historical accounts, Nueva Granada, Bolívar, July 20th
Román Romero, R., & Niño De Villeros, V. (2016). The stories about independence time, the invention of heroes, and a historical memory in the first half of the nineteenth century colombian. Cuadernos De Historia, (43), pp. 7–30. Retrieved from