In this article I propose to demonstrate that the implantation of neoliberalism in Chile, under the military civil dictatorship led by Augusto Pinochet obeyed to a pragmatic theoretical planning that was reached once the main civil and military authorities of the de facto government were persuaded by the discourse of intellectuals from groups such as “Gremialistas” and “Chicago boys”. The conviction of these government authorities culminated when they understood that the technicalities of neoliberalism were in theological agreement with the Catholic principle of Thomistic origin that sustains its doctrinal ideological matrix, the inequality of human beings.
Olguín Olate, J. (2019). Theological reason for the instrumental implementation of neoliberalism in chile under the military civil dictatorship, 1973-1982. Cuadernos De Historia, (49), pp. 195–220. Retrieved from