This article deals with two prominent intellectual figures of the seventeenth century in Lima: the Jesuits José de Aguilar and José de Buendía. Through their successes as well as their setbacks, the mechanisms and instances of promotion for men of knowledge regulars in the American viceroyalties are questioned with a triple objective. First, it seeks to complement a historiography that has been interested mainly in the trajectories of secular ecclesiastics or laymen. Second, it is intended to highlight the role of the Court for regulars and clarify the interpretations that present it as an inoperative or weak space for men of letters. Finally, the objective is also to point out the interest for the intellectual History of a renewed methodology around the sermons.
historia intelectual, virreinato, jesuitas, patronazgo, predicación
Author Biography
Trilce Laske, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Instituto de Investigaciones Históricas, Programa de becas posdoctorales, UNAM. Orcid: 0000-0003-0717-8410
Laske, T. (2019). CURSUS HONORUM AND PROFANE CONSECRATION: TWO JESUIT SCHOLARS IN LIMA, JOSÉ DE AGUILAR (1652-1707) AND JOSÉ DE BUENDÍA (1644-1727). Cuadernos De Historia, (51), pp. 85–123. Retrieved from