Fear of the revolution and defense of the social order: tensions in the Conservative Party at the end of the Carlos Ibáñez’ Government (1931-1932)



Through the revision -fundamentally- of two important conservative newspapers, El Diario Ilustrado and La Unión de Valparaíso, the aim is to demonstrate how the deep political, economic and social crisis that Chile experienced during the years 1931 and 1932 generated important tensions inside the Conservative Party. Within it, a partisan sector of Ibáñez and authoritarian presidentialism confront those comrades who remained faithful to the liberal-parliamentary ideology. The conflict occurs in an environment marked by fear of the revolution and the distrust generated by a democratic regime, founded in universal suffrage.


Ibáñez, presidentialism, parliamentarism, public order, social order

Author Biography

Enrique Brahm García, Universidad de Los Andes

Licenciado en Derecho y en Historia por la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile y Doctor en Derecho por la Universidad de Frankfurt/M, profesor del Instituto de Historia y de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de los Andes (Santiago, Chile). Correo electrónico: ebrahm@uandes.cl