During his first presidential term (1927-1931), Carlos Ibáñez began a period of profound state modernization that included an unprecedented boost to national sports policies. Ibáñez enacted the first Law of Physical Education of Chile in 1929, making its practice a mandatory subject in public and private educational establishments. At the same time, he centralized the administration of sports under a unique state agency and sponsored local clubs and athletic international delegations. This article explores the institutional efforts of the Ibañista government to legitimize its reformist and nationalist project through sports and physical education as well as the key debates among sportswriters, journalists, physicians, physical-education teachers and political leaders in the pages of Los Sports magazine about the role of the state as guarantor of physical activity in Chile.
Chile, Carlos Ibáñez, sports, physical education, sports policies, Los Sports magazine
Author Biography
Pedro Acuña Rojas, Universidad de California-Irvine
Acuña Rojas, P. (2020). Let’s form chilean spartans! Sports policies and campaigns during the dictatorship of Carlos Ibáñez, 1927-1931. Cuadernos De Historia, (52), pp. 233–261. Retrieved from https://cuadernosdehistoria.uchile.cl./index.php/CDH/article/view/57544