As highlighted in the presentation, the document that is published definitively ditches the debate about when and by whom the Biobío River was constituted in the political and territorial boundary between Hispanics and Mapuches in the kingdom of Chile. Accordingly, this historical demarcation takes effect in 1612 and responds to a direct disposition of the Spanish monarchy, then ruled by King Felipe III.
Border, Limit, Mapuches, Spaniards, Kingdom of Chile, Felipe III, 1612
Author Biographies
Eduardo Téllez Lúgaro, Universidad de Chile
Doctor en Historia, académico Universidad de Chile, Universidad de Concepción y Universidad Bernardo O´Higgins.
Osvaldo Silva Galdames, Universidad de Chile
Profesor titular Universidad de Chile (Q.E.P.D).
Cristián González Labra, Universidad de Concepción
Magíster en Historia, doctorando Universidad de Concepción.
Téllez Lúgaro, E., Silva Galdames, O., & González Labra, C. (2020). The foundation of the hispano-mapuche border in the Biobio of Order of the King: 1612. Cuadernos De Historia, (52), pp. 265–274. Retrieved from