Between III and IV International: Hidalguismo, dissident communism in Chile



With the expansion of the communist movement, various currents of dissent appeared in many cases causing schisms in international communism at national and international level. One of the most notable ruptures was the separation of Trotskyism that sheltered diverse groups, heterogeneous ideologically and politically. In Chile, the greatest for its historical importance the dissidence in communism, hidalguism, after several attempts to demonstrate its loyalty to the Comintern, was embraced by international Trotskyism seeing in this a strong and potentially hegemonic party in this country, although worried its eventual doctrinal inconsistency. The relations of the “Left Communist” party with the International Secretariat reveal to us the ambiguous position of Chileans towards the formation of the Fourth International and their perseverance in making independent political decisions.


Manuel Hidalgo, Trotskyism, Popular Front, Comintern, Chilean socialism

Author Biography

Andrey Schelchkov, Instituto de la Historia Universal de la Academia de las Ciencias de Rusia

Doctor en Historia, investigador del Instituto de la Historia Universal de la Academia de las Ciencias de Rusia, Moscú, Rusia, ORCID ID: Correo electrónico: