This article investigates the impacts of the economic crisis of 1929 on the motorized vehicles of the public transport existing in Santiago and Valparaíso until 1934. Based on the press of the time and other sources, the main urban consequences brought to the country by this situation will be explained, as well as how it affected the mobility of santiaguinos and porteños and how it was dealt by the transport guild. It is postulated that this fact produced important changes in the transport services of both cities, along with transforming the relationship of the businessmen of collective transportation with the authority, conditioning their development for the rest of the twentieth century.
economic crisis of 1929, collective locomotion, Santiago, Valparaíso
Author Biographies
Waldo Vila Muga, Universidad de Chile
Doctor en Arquitectura y Estudios Urbanos, Postdoctorado Universidad de Chile. Santiago, Chile, ORCID ID: Correo electrónico:
Malte Benjamin Seiwerth, Universidad de Berna
Licenciado en Historia, Universidad de Chile. Máster (c) en Estudios Latinoamericanos e Historia, Universidad de Berna. Zúrich, Suiza. ORCID ID Correo electrónico:
Vila Muga, W., & Benjamin Seiwerth, M. (2021). The impact of the economic crisis of 1929 on the motorized vehicles of the public transport existing in Santiago and Valparaiso (1929-1934). Cuadernos De Historia, (54), pp. 41–68. Retrieved from