Interdisciplinarity and social networks in the 21st century: Debating with Peter Burke the present, past and future of historic science



This article presents a debate with the renowned British researcher Peter Burke about the challenges that historians have had to face in contemporary conjunctures, addressing the transformation of the historian’s profession in society during the last decades. In addition to examining the commitment to building a closer relationship between all social sciences and history, this debate revolves around the impact of technological and communicational change on its sources, and the configuration of a critical consciousness to address them. One of the most prominent voices in cultural history speaks of the difficulties in classifying contemporary historiographic production, of the challenges of teaching history today, of the legacy and validity of some of the most recognized historiographic trends of the 20th century, as well as of the limitations and main practical problems that new generations of historians must face.


Historical sources, Research, Interdisciplinarity, Social networks, Teaching of history

Author Biographies

Steven Navarrete Cardona, Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Docente ocasional de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá, Colombia, ORCID ID: Correo electrónico:

Andrea Lorena Hincapié, Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Estudiante de Sociología de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, especialista en Políticas Públicas para la igualdad en América Latina, del Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales CLACSO, ORCID ID: Correo electrónico: