Luxuria and vanitas: visualizing the conversion of the Magdalena in the Viceregal southern Andes in Santiago of Chile, 1650-1750



This essay investigates the popularity of the artistic theme of the conversion of María Magdalena in the domestic spaces of Santiago, Chile from approximately 1650-1750. Carried out through an iconographic study of a representative painting in the Barbosa-Stern collection together with an assessment of archival data from the National Historical Archive, Magdalena’s counterreformation persona as a sinful penitent is shown to have been supported by the highly mutable and sensorial themes of luxuria and vanitas. Ultimately, the essay argues that the popularity the Magdalena in colonial-era paintings was tied to a mutable iconography, suspended between her imperfect past and virtuous future, that localized this saint for urban upper-class female audiences of the southern Andean region.


Mary Magdalene, Paintings, Viceregal Peru, Santiago de Chile, Private collections

Author Biography

Catherine Burdick, Universidad Mayor

Profesora asociada, Centro de Investigación en Artes y Humanidades (CIAH) y Escuela de Cine, Universidad Mayor. PhD en Historia del Arte, University of Illinois, Chicago. Santiago, Chile. Correo electrónico:


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