Interview with historian Eugenia Palieraki: “The renewed persistence of a revolutionary time”



The Greek historian residing in France, Eugenia Palieraki, analyzes in this interview the intellectual concerns that motivated her interest in Latin America as a research problem, which, as detailed, come from both life experiences and academic experiences that arose within her process. of training, highlighting in particular the contribution made in this regard by the late Spanish-French historian François-Xavier Guerra. Palieraki also highlights the influence and collaboration received from his Latin American colleagues with whom he has developed a fruitful and permanent dialogue focused, especially, on our recent past, as well as on the survival of the idea of “revolution”.


Eugenia Palieraki, Latin America, New political history, Transnational history, Revolution

Author Biography

Mario Vega Henríquez, Universidad de Chile

Doctor (c) en Estudios Latinoamericanos, Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades de la Universidad de Chile. Santiago, Chile. Correo electrónico:


Bantigny, Ludivine ; Quentin Deluermoz, Boris Gobille, Laurent Jeanpierre y Eugenia Palieraki, Une histoire globale des révolutions, Paris, La Découverte, 2023.

Casals, Marcelo, Contrarrevolución y colaboracionismo y protesta. La clase media chilena y la dictadura militar, Santiago, Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2023.

Palieraki, Eugenia y Clément Thibaud, L’Amérique Latine embrasée. Deux siècles de révolutions et de contre-révolutions, Malakoff, Armand Colin, 2023.

Palieraki, Eugenia, ¡La revolución ya viene! El MIR chileno en los años sesenta, Santiago, Lom Ediciones, 2014.

Palieraki, Eugenia, Naissance d’une révolution. Histoire critique du MIR chilien, Paris, Terres de Feu, 2023.